
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2021

eighth comment

  In my opinion. Dogs are helpful during this pandemic because there are many people who don’t know they have the coronavirus and they go out. Dogs also detect asymptomatic people. I think that the dog can be wrong but in my opinion it is very intelligent animal. There are many dogs that help peolpe who are blind or cannot move. I have a little dog and every day it surprises me.

seventh comment

  This year is very different for all people, unfortunately all people have had to live this situation. The coronavirus is a virus that is given from one person to another very easily. So we should comply with safety regulations,as we should wear the mask 6 hours, keep the safety distance and put disinfectant on your hands. I think that if we do things like this it will soon end and we be able to take away de mask and we will be able to visit we love like our grandparents.

sixth comment

In my opinion, Donald Trump hasn’t been a good president during the time that he has been president. He has always been in conflict with all people, I think that he has been the worst president of the United States, about the pandemic, Donal trump hasn’t known how to deal with it. He said that the mask didn’t work and he didn’t force people to wear the mask, until Donal Trump go sick of the Coronavirus. I know that the elections were going to be won by Joe Biden because he is a good person and he wants the best for all and I am sure that he will do it better than Donal Trump.

fifth comment

  I have seen in the news that the COVID vaccine is near. That's good  on the news. The first people to be vaccinated will be the oldest people and the doctors. I hope that the vaccine will be effective and let all this end because I don’t like wearing the mask all day. Although there are already some vaccines we can’t relax and we should be very responsible because the Coronavirus is still with us. I hope that the Coronavirus is gone in 2021 and that all people can enjoy their families and friends. The song "For What it’s Worth" I think it is pretty and I like it.

Fourth comment

  I think that animals are very important and that without them our lives would be very different. Bees are the most  important  insects in our lives, although it doesn’t seem. Bees pollinate more than 25,000 thousand types of plants and thanks to them, 60% of the fruits and vegetables that we eat today do not disappear. All people are afraid of these insects but they have never scared me. Because if you don't hurt them, they will not hurt  you either. Bees make honey and wax,  which we use for candles and other things

Third comment

  In my opinion, the summer has passed very fast, My favorite season is summer because I can go to the beach and the swimming pool with my friends. This summer has been very strange because of the Coronavirus. October has gone very fast. Autumn is one of the best seasons of the year because it is neither cold nor hot. I don’t like the October song because is very boring. I think that Donald trump was positive in coronavirus because he never wore the mask in the street. I hope so that he gets well but this has taught him how important it is to wear a mask.

second comment

  The expression’ back to square one’ means to be in the same situation as if we were in March. During that month we couldn’t go out. We must be all day in the house because the government forbade it. We could go out go out only to take our dog for a walk and we throw rubbish away. Many people couldn’t go to work and the children couldn’t go to school, all people were in their houses. 3 month in locked down. The children had their classes online. That was very stressing. My mother could go to work because she works in things connected with food. The lookdown finished in May but you only go out for you do sport. In summer you could only go out to do sport other comunities because there was less causes of coronavirus but then in september we couldn’t as we had done during the summer time.